sábado, octubre 20, 2007

Once upon a time

Once upon a time.. there was a kid.. that belive that drink and get wasted was such a bad thing... that smoke was wrong.. and don't even thinkin' about the weed...... but then... one day... this kid grown up and becomes a boy... and learnt to drink... and get wasted... and he did it... often..... ; learnt to smokes and he did it every single day... that will be his defect for a long time....... and finally he knows the weed... and get high... but this last... not very often........

And now.... I wonder... what happened with that kid ?? maybe he realized that all this new stuff were a way to got far way... a way to escape... and figure out that were a easy way to fit in in this world.... perhaps... not the rigth one... but the easy one.............

Anyway.... this a-long-time-ago-called-kid maybe.. some day grown up again... and this time he discovers that all this stuff are unnecesary... useless... and meaningless... and once for all realized that he was wrong................... or maybe not.

Whatever.... now.... this boy only wants one thing.... just go with it......


si no entendiste ni una wea... es xk eri muy basico pollo ql.. aprende ingles...

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

ella....la narradora bilingue....

do you feel me my nigga??...xD

traducete esa....

pikalbert dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Traducido dice:

Pikalbert y Pico se aman (L)

xauMASTIKENLA!!! .....xD

Anónimo dijo...

jajajajaa....traduccion ql del daniel....xD

…«≤¢∫R≥»… dijo...

Ella la GreenGa...
que fuma shit!!!
y es bkn...
Put your ass into it &

Perro Ql. dijo...



ella la q piensa en ingles...
no seai wn...
no tiene nada de malo pasarlo bien...
cuando somos jovenes, hermosos, y exitosos...



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